by Nick Wagner | Dec 6, 2016 | chimney maintenance
Time flies when you are busy, and the season of fall can be of the busiest times of the year. It may be hard to believe, but the holidays are just around the corner. If you have not had time to get your home ready for visits from friends and family during the...
by Nick Wagner | Nov 18, 2015 | Uncategorized
Since 2005, Aelite Chimney Specialties has been providing chimney sweeping, chimney repair and fireplace sales and installation services to homes in Northeast Illinois, including North Chicago. With the brutally cold winter weather that is typical for this area, you...
by Nick Wagner | Aug 27, 2015 | chimney maintenance
Believe it or not – summer is almost over, and fall will be here before we know it. Fall is such a busy season for our customers with school starting back and vacation time ending. At Aelite Chimney Specialties, we also have a packed calendar every fall as our...
by Nick Wagner | Sep 28, 2014 | chimney maintenance
Setting the standard for the chimney industry, the Chimney Safety Institute of America (CSIA) was founded in 1983 as an educational, non-profit organization dedicated to the safety of chimney, fireplace, and venting systems. This organization commits itself to...
by Nick Wagner | Jun 26, 2014 | chimney maintenance, fireplace maintenance
Your home is a place of comfort, safety, relaxation and enjoyment. But how can you possibly feel and experience this when there’s an annoying and unpleasant stench lingering in your humble abode? From its smell, you trace its origins back to the fireplace. What can...