by Nick Wagner | Feb 20, 2015 | Chimney Masonry, fireplace maintenance
If you have a masonry fireplace, many important parts make up the anatomy of its chimney. Many homeowners are unfamiliar with these parts and their functions, and when something goes wrong, it can be invaluable to know the names of each part and what these parts do....
by Nick Wagner | Jun 26, 2014 | chimney maintenance, fireplace maintenance
Your home is a place of comfort, safety, relaxation and enjoyment. But how can you possibly feel and experience this when there’s an annoying and unpleasant stench lingering in your humble abode? From its smell, you trace its origins back to the fireplace. What can...
by Nick Wagner | May 10, 2014 | chimney maintenance, fire safety, fireplace maintenance
In Northern Illinois no one wants to be caught in the fall without a chimney or fireplace that’s anything other than ready to fire up. That’s why we suggest tackling chimney maintenance and any needed chimney repairs during the spring or summer months. If you take...
by Nick Wagner | Apr 23, 2014 | chimney maintenance, fireplace maintenance
Homeowners usually have a number of questions they would want to ask the chimney sweeping company they are planning to hire or have already hired. Here’s the most frequently asked as well as most important questions you should ask:
by Nick Wagner | Apr 21, 2014 | Energy Efficiency, fireplace maintenance, Fireplace Options
If you have a wood-burning fireplace, you may love having the traditional wood fire with its aroma, fiery heat, and crackling sounds; however, you may dislike having to clean up the mess after the fire, hauling firewood from the outdoors to your fireplace, and dealing...
by Nick Wagner | Dec 31, 2013 | chimney maintenance, fireplace maintenance
The air you and your family breathe is one of the most important things in your home. When you hear the word pollution, you often think of the air outside that can be caused by cars and factories. However, the air inside of your home can be polluted by common sources...