Pellet Stove Information

You may have heard a lot lately about pellet stoves as they have become a top choice in heating systems for homes. Debuting in 1930, pellet stoves have gone through many changes, from a large, boxy, workhorse design to a smaller decorative heating appliance to be used...

Hidden Cause of House Fires

Every so often, a residential fire will occur with no obvious cause. Fire investigators sift through the ashes and study the burned-out or fire-damaged structure to look for the reason behind the fire, and many times, they can find the origin of the fire as well as...

The Importance of a Chimney Cap

Your chimney and venting system is made up of different components with varying functions, and a chimney cap ranks high in importance as one of these components. Serving several purposes, a properly-installed chimney cap will prolong the life of your fireplace and...