An increasingly popular, economical, and environmentally-friendly way to enjoy a fire, gas logs are available from Aelite Chimney Specialties in two different types: vented and vent-free (also known as ventless or unvented). If you are shopping for gas logs, you may hesitate from choosing vent-free gas logs because you have heard they are are not safe to use because they can leak poisonous gases like carbon monoxide into your home. However, this information is not completely true. Recently, The VentFree Organization, discovered in a study of vent-free gas logs that their emissions are well within the recommended standards for good indoor air quality. Our staff at Aelite Chimney Specialties can help you decide which type of gas logs are best for you, and we would like to answer some of the most frequently asked questions about vent-free gas logs to put your mind at ease.


What are the dangers of carbon monoxide leaking into my house from vent-free logs?

Including households with the elderly, pregnant women, and small children, vent-free gas logs passed every test comparing their carbon monoxide levels with the recommended maximum levels as set by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC). Vent-free gas logs passed all of the tests with flying colors and are well within the CPSC indoor air quality guidelines. Of course, for safety reasons, your home should have several carbon monoxide detection alarms installed on each level of your home and outside every bedroom because the toxic gas is odorless and tasteless.

Can I heat my entire house with vent-free gas logs?

No, all major building codes recommend that a primary heat source, like a furnace, be functional in the home before installing vent-less gas logs. These gas logs are only approved as a strictly supplemental heat source.

Can I use vent-free gas logs in every state?

No, vent-free gas logs are illegal to use in California. However, in the other 49 states, the International Residential Code (IRC) accepted the use of vent-free gas logs as a supplemental heating source in January 2006.

Will vent-free gas logs produce too much heat in tightly constricted homes?

This issue is solved by controlling the heat output of your vent-free gas logs and setting the heat to your desired temperature. Although, if your home is tightly constricted without much ventilation, Aelite Chimney Specialties will follow the manufacturer’s instructions and all building code requirements to provide the needed ventilation and combustion air. In some cases, however, we may also have to install additional mechanical ventilation.

Will I be able to use my ceiling fan in the same room as my vent-free gas logs?

Yes, a ceiling fan can be used to distribute the heat around the room, but you must be sure that the fan does not blow directly into the fireplace or cause drafts that alter the burner’s flame patterns, or you could end up with soot inside your house.

How should I maintain my vent-free gas logs?

Once a year, you should have your vent-free gas logs professionally cleaned and serviced. Aelite Chimney Specialties can inspect and adjust the oxygen and carbon monoxide monitors for safe and efficient performance.

Do you have more questions about vent-free gas logs? Contact Aelite Chimney Specialties to ask us more about this safe and efficient supplemental heating source.